Try a Little Kindness

Try Kindness to heal our lands and families.

3 min readApr 2, 2022

The world is a cruel and dark place. I have seen and experienced the worst humanity has to offer. I have also experienced the best of humanity. It’s a small gesture of kindness that can turn a run of the mill bad day into a good day.

Dark Cruel World Imagery

We all live on this planet together, regardless of race, religion or creed. We are all human and we all want to be happy and live a good life. At times it feels like we are so far apart, living in our own bubbles, only interacting with people who think the same as us. I don’t think this is the way life should be.

So much is going on in the world right now. There is so much divisiveness, so much anger and hatred. I can’t even turn on the news without being bombarded with more bad news. The world needs more kindness, more compassion.

Today, the world needs kindness more than ever. With so much hate and division, it feels like we’ve forgotten how to be kind to one another. But it’s not too late. We can all do our part to make the world a kinder place.

Mindfulness meditation can help you stop some of the negative ruminations that keep us separate and stuck in our heads and past ills. Mindfulness means paying attention in a present moment and being aware of what is going on around you. This helps you become more in tune with your own thoughts and feelings, which in turn makes you more sensitive to the thoughts and feelings of others. meditation can help you to begin to find the space in your life for the people and things that really matter. It’s a great way to start being more kind to yourself and to set some time aside each day to be kind to yourself.

Self Kindness and Mindfulness

Self-kindness is a great place to start, as it helps you to start with a kind self. When you are kind to yourself, you are more likely to be kind to others. This in turn will make you feel more connected to the world and others, and you’ll be better equipped to find the space for others. Meditation and self-kindness are a great place to start the journey towards making the world a kinder place. — —

Mindfulness meditation helps you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings, which in turn helps you catch yourself being harsh to others. Once you catch yourself being harsh to others, you have the opportunity to stop and think about how you are being to them. It’s a small action, but it can make a big difference. Self-kindness is a great place to start.

The more we can practice being kind to ourselves, the easier it is to be kind to others. Self-love and compassion are the roots from which we can grow into being a compassionate person. It’s a good place to begin. If you’re finding it hard to be kind to yourself, try to think of a time when someone was kind to you. Take a moment to remember that moment and how it made you feel. Think of a way in which you could have been more kind to that person. Try to do the same for yourself.

If you’re finding it difficult to be kind to yourself, try thinking of a time when someone was kind to you. I think we’ve all been kind to others when we didn’t feel like it. That’s ok. Everyone has their own way of being kind, and that’s ok too.

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I’m a Multifaceted Media Marketer whose mission is to help people to improve their live through business.